Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bob Books Review

Disclaimer: I received a free Bob Book for Kindle in exchange for a review. The free book did not influence my opinion in any way. 

We reviewed Bob Books Sight Words: Kindergarten [Kindle Edition] This  particular group of books introduces 30 of the easiest and most common sight words. The Kindle version does not include the flash cards, but it indicates at the beginning of the book which sight words will be reviewed in each story. There are only three new sight words per book.
I have loved using Bob Books since my older child first started reading at age 3.

Now my younger child is starting to read. He was a little less eager to start reading than his brother was--until I introduced Bob Books for Kindle!

Now he is eager to read and wants to read more than one book at a time. These books have really boosted his confidence and make him want to read. I think part of the reason is that he likes being able to read them on his Kindle.  He said, "I like to read the books on my Kindle better than reading from a book."  

The stories are funny, which makes them more interesting to kids. Each of the books in this 10 book set is 12 pages long.


  1. I loved using the Bob books when my older ones were young but completely forgot about them by the time my soon-to-be 7 year old was 3. I will definitely remember when my 10 month old starts showing an interest and I love the fact they have a kindle version. With today's children everything is about technology.

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