Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a homeschooler is like?
No two days are ever quite the same; but this is what one of our days at home is typically like.
I like to wake up around 7:30, read my Bible, pray, and get prepared for the day ahead.
Usually around 8:00, the boys alarm clocks go off and they eagerly awake. Notice I said usually!
8:15- The boys have a chart in the hall which reminds them of their morning routine.
8:20-We made homemade breakfast cookies yesterday, so we had leftovers this morning. | | |
Sometimes silliness ensues. |
Since it is Friday, I am making a roast and it will last for three meals. I won't have to cook much this weekend! |
If the boys can finish everything on their chart before 9:00, I let them choose to go outside or play WII Fit. It was chilly this morning so they chose WII Fit. |
8:50- We gather to pray for the day before Daddy leaves for work. |
9:00- Big Hobbit (what he wanted to be called on the blog. ) Works on his Bible studies. He is currently working on many activities for Leadership Training for Christ. We work a lot on these activities this time of year. |
9:30- Big Hobbit is reading to Little Hobbit. |
9:45- Big Hobbit is working on a Spanish App I found. Little Hobbit likes to listen too. | | |
10:00- Snack Time. Big Hobbit had noticed earlier that the cereal was made of X's and O's. He asked if at snack time they could play tic-tac-toe with the cereal. |
10:30- Big Hobbit gets to work on his math. This one that he is working on is from Simply Charlotte Mason. He gets to pretend that he owns and runs a sports store. |
11:00- That usually gets them excited about playing store. | | |
12:00- is usually when Daddy gets home for lunch. So we take a break with him.
1:00- We all take this time to rest and read. |
2:00-5:00- Creating time. The boys will spend this whole time with Legos. I will usually take this time to write or work on any activities I need to do for any clubs or organizations I belong to. I also use this time to handle anything I am working on for church. |
We will eat supper when Daddy gets home. Lately, we have enjoyed eating by candlelight and listening to classical music. Since it is Friday we will watch a family movie and eat a fun snack. Tonight it will be milkshakes!! |
Before bed, Daddy will lead us in a devotional and prayer. |
Wondering where I fit subjects in that I did not go over today. I will do a post on that soon.
What a beautiful, peaceful day you have! My day looks nothing like yours. I have an only child who is ADHD/gifted, and has a sleep disorder. The sleep disorder means she doesn't sleep at all some nights, which means she can't get up at a regular time. She is a visual learner, so our core curriculum is online (www.Time4Learning.com) and some days she only does math, others she only does language arts. I am having to add more textbook learning because she has asyncronous learning and is 2 grades ahead in science, on level for math and Language Arts, and a year behind in social studies. My school day is so chaotic compared to yours, but I recognize the beauty of homeschooling is that we can do what we need to do for each of our children to give them the best education and foundation that we can. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely day!
ReplyDeleteHi, Sharla, I followed your link on PP Homeschool FB. Thanks. I like this post b/c it reminds me of what I really want my homeschool day to look like. It used to be until my younger ones got older and we added to our family. Now it can be crazy at times. Anyway, I look forward to reading about your journey through the Prairie Primer!
ReplyDelete- Ruth
Thank you so much!! I cannot wait. I know we are going to make great memories!!!!!